Sitting at the dock of the bay....

Thursday, June 30, 2016

More Docking Practice - Fort Pierce, FL

Fort Pierce, FL - June 28, 2016

Miles Today:  0
Total Miles:  23 NM

Since our last on-the-water training day in Stuart was so windy, Capt. Chris suggested we meet again for 4 hours of stern-in (backing in) instruction and practice.  As mentioned in the prior post, the Harbour Isle Marina has lots of space between its docks and would provide an excellent place to practice.

At 8am, Chris was aboard, we went over our checklist of things to check before leaving the dock - engine and generator oil levels, shore power disconnected, loose items stowed away, blinds up and clear visibility ensured, flybridge cover removed and stowed, binoculars, waters, vhf radio, sunglasses, cruising guides, chartplotter, route plan available at the lower or upper helm, engine on and checked, thrusters on and tested, all gauges working, air conditioning working using the generator, dock lines readied for easy removal, etc., etc.  It can takes at least 20-30 minutes to ensure you are ready to leave the dock.

It proved to be a perfect day to practice docking.  Chris really put us through the paces.  We learned that Bazinga (like many trawlers) doesn't respond quickly to steering changes - especially when she's moving slowly.  Speed makes the rudder respond faster.  Unfortunately, using speed is quite tricky when you are trying to dock!  And even the slightest breeze can affect how the boat responds to steering changes. Backing-in proved to be quite a challenge!

This was our last training day with Chris.  We were sad to see him leave.  But we know we will see him and Alyse someday soon.  They are very active in the AGLCA (America's Great Loop Cruising Association) and offer training seminars in Vero Beach, boat shows and at the AGLCA Looper Lifestyle Seminars.

If you'd like to read about our training on Capt. Chris's website and watch a short video of us leaving the dock, click here.

Thank you, Capt. Chris Caldwell, for such excellent training!  In between those moments of anxiety, we had a lot of fun.   Looking forward to seeing you again soon over a Dr. Pepper.

Whew!  We made it thru training!

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